Our aim

  • Supporting individuals to explore their recovery options

  • Creating individual recovery plans by working alongside agencies, Recovery communities, families, carers and relevant others

  • Introducing and maintaining stability and structure into formerly chaotic lifestyles

  • Increasing opportunities in education, training, and employment

  • Maintaining and improving relationships with families, peers, and the community.

  • Introducing new and meaningful activities to encourage a healthy lifestyle

Who our service is open to

  • Men and women aged 16 or over who are aware they have a substance misuse problem and would like to start their recovery journey.

  • Those in recovery and maintaining a healthier lifestyle who wish to participate in diversionary activities to support them in maintaining their recovery.

  • Those who are affected by substance misuse , such as families and carers, who can participate in activities and have access to a support worker to discuss challenges and how to support someone through recovery.

Our services

  • Weekly recovery focused group sessions

  • Individual sessions with an allocated support worker

  • Cooking classes

  • Gardening project

  • Practical training opportunities in woodworking and furniture restoration

  • Practical learning opportunities in textiles and upholstery

  • Adult learning courses in Basic computing skills, driving theory test preparation, job search and CV writing

  • PC Passport skills designed for anyone who wants to develop their IT skills

  • Scottish Vocational Qualifications in various subjects

  • Open doors gardening for well-being, at Cothrom & St Peters gardens.

  • If you are looking to get out of the house, meet new people, learn new skills and provide peer support in your local community, why not join us at the weekly gardening club(s) at Cothrom, Ormiclate and at Falachan Cothrom.