Volunteer with Cothrom

We can help you develop skills, whilst being active and productive in our many available roles

Why Volunteer

Volunteering can help you feel active, useful and productive. Volunteer experience can be a good way to learn more about yourself and your potential to grow and develop. Volunteering has many benefits to individuals, including increasing skills, improving employability prospects, improving health and well-being, reducing isolation and loneliness and having fun. Click below to see our different volunteering opportunities.

Does Volunteering affect my benefits?

You can volunteer with Cothrom while receiving benefits as long as you’re not getting paid for it and you’re still able to satisfy the conditions of your benefit.

What do I need to tell the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)?

You must tell your work coach what volunteering you’re going to do before starting. You’ll need to disclose how many hours you plan to volunteer, what you’ll be doing and when the volunteering will take place. You’ll also need to provide evidence of your volunteering too, and keep your work coach up to date with any changes.